unit of measure
conversions equivalences

italiano misure english measure
Conversion table
Conversion factors in PDF

Beaufort scale

speed of the wind to one height of 10 m on flat land
degree speed (km/h) type of wind speed
characters speed (m/s)
0 0 - 1 calm 0 - 1 the smoke rises vertically; the sea is one mirror. < 0.3
1 1 - 5 puff of wind 1 - 3 the wind turns aside the smoke; ripples of the water. 0.3 - 1.5
2 6 - 11 light breeze 4 - 6 the leaves move; small but obvious waves. 1.6 - 3.3
3 12 - 19 breeze 7 - 10 constantly churned leaves and twigs; small waves,crests that begin to break. 3.4 - 5.4
4 20 - 28 lively breeze 11 - 16 the wind raises powder, leaves sand banks, the coppers is churned; small waves that become longer. 5.5 - 7.9
5 29 - 38 stiff breeze 17 - 21 the shrubs with leaves oscillate; small are formed waves in inner waters; lengthened moderate waves. 8 - 10.7
6 39 - 49 fresh wind 22 - 27 great churned, hissing sound between coppers the telegraphic wires; billow with white foam crests are formed, and sprays. 10.8 - 13.8
7 50 - 61 moderate gale 28 - 33 entire churned trees, difficulty to walk against wind; the sea is large, the foam begins to being frayed in wakes. 13.9 - 17.1
8 62 - 74 moderate squall 34 - 40 broken coppers, to walk against wind are impossible; lengthened billow of medium height and more, from the crests they detach whirlwinds of sprays. 17.2 - 20.7
9 75 - 88 strong squall 41 - 47 removed fireplaces and tiles; large big waves, thick wakes of foam and sprays, raised from the wind, reduce the visibility. 20.8 - 24.4
10 89 - 102 tempest 48 - 55 rare in mainland, trees uprooted, serious damages to the rooms; enormous big waves with long crests to spandrel. 24.5 - 28.4
11 103 - 117 storm 56 - 63 rare, most serious devastations; enormous and high waves, that they can hide ships of medium tonnage; reduced visibility. 28.5 - 32.6
12 over 118 hurricane 64 + destruction of buildings, manufactured, etc; in sea the foam and the sprays reduce the visibility much. 32.7 +

The speed of the wind is measured with the anemometer, and express in km/h and is suitable from the scale of Beaufort, that takes the name from the admiral British Francis Beaufort (Navam 1774-1857) employed to the service idro-graphic. He in the 1806 proposed a scale for the classification of the strength of the wind in 13 degrees, that came then adopted from the British admiralty in the 1838 and in succession at 1874 o'clock from the rest of the world.

1 kn = 1.852 km/h
1 kn (UK) = 1.85318 km/h
1 m/s = 0.508 (100 feet min.)
100 feet min. = 1.9685 m/s

compass card

international symbol
tramontana or north wind
greco, gregale or northeast wind
levante or eastrly wind
auster or south wind
libeccio, garbino or southwest wind
ponente, espero or west wind
maestro, maestrale, mistral or northwest wind

any definitions of speed and distance

knot, international (kt) = 0.514444 m/s
knot (imperial knot) = 0.514772 m/s
knot (US knot) = 0.514791 m/s
1 mile nautical/h = 1 knot
1 MACH = 1228 km/h
mile nautical international = 1852 m
mile nautical italian = 1851.85 m
geografic mile = 1855.4 m
mile UK (nautical) = 1853.184 m
mile US (nautical) = 1852 m

an outline of the knot

The historical origin of this measure goes back to the sailing-ship age. When the commander of a clipper wanted to know the own speed, it made to spin to breast one line, on which they were present of the nodes distanced between they of 1/120 of mile (15.433m). To the extremity of the sunk line, a tablet (log-chip), that it acted as from floating anchor. In such a way while the sailing-ship was left over, the line carried out outboard motor making to parade a node after the other, therefore after 30 minuteren of hourglass (30 ") came counted how many nodes were past, than therefore represented with a lot approximation the speed of the ship.

Douglas scale

denomination height waves (m)
0 calm 0
1 nearly calm < 0.1
2 little moved 0.1 - 0.5
3 moved 0.5 - 1.3
4 a lot moved 1.3 - 2.5
5 rough 2.5 - 4
6 much rough 4 - 6
7 flood 6 - 9
8 much flood 9 - 14
9 stormy > 14

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