unit of measure
conversions equivalences

italiano misure english measure
Conversion table
Conversion factors in PDF

food preservative

num. EEC
name or derivative
chemical preservative
E 200-203 sorbic a. (anti-microbic)
E 201-213 benzoic a. (soft drink)
E 214-219 hydroxybenzoic a. dope
E 220-227 sulfur dioxide
E 230 biphenyl (anti-mycotic)
E 231-232 ortho-phenylphenol
E 233 thiabendazole (citruses)
E 236-238 formic acid
E 250 sodium nitrite (meat)
E 251 sodium nitrate (salt)
E 252 potassium nitrate(salt)
E 260-263 acetic acid (vinegar)
E 270 lactic acid
E 280-283 propionic acid
E 290 carbon dioxide
E 300-304 L-ascorbic acid
E 306 tocopherol
E 307-309 synthethic tocopherol
E 310-312 gallic dope acid
E 320 butilidrossianisolo
E 321 butilidrossitoluene
E 322 lecithin (sweets)
num. EEC
name or derivative
acidity regulator
E 325-327 salt lactic acid
E 330-333 citric acid
E 334-337 tartaric acid (sweetmeat)
E 338-341 orthophosphoric a. (beverage)
E 400-405 alginic acid
E 406 agar-agar (oven product)
E 407 carrageenan
E 410 carob flour
E 412 guar flour
E 413 tragacanth
E 414 gum arabic
E 460-466 cellulose and derivative
synthethic sweetening
E 420 sorbitol
E 421 mannitol
E 422 glycerol
E 440 pectin (fruit-juice)
E 450 phosphate
E 470 fatty acid salt
E 471-472 fatty acid glyceride

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